Drink Coconut Water for Health

A new trend in the beverage world is fresh young coconut water. No its not coconut oil and it has nothing to do with those crispy brown coconuts you can buy in the grocery store. This is about the inner liquid known as the endosperm inside fresh young green coconuts, and its an amazing beverage. It is becoming known as Nature's hydration secret! In fact websites are popping up everywhere for fans of this cravable beverage including The Coconut Water Diet website, [http://www.coconutwaterdiet.com].

So just what is coconut water? It is the liquid found inside a young green coconut. Scientifically known as the endosperm. Once a coconut matures, if not harvested, the liquid will be absorbed into the husk and form the 'meat' of a mature coconut.
So just what does coconut water taste like? It tastes delicious! Pure, unflavored coconut water has a very mild, yet delicious and satisfying taste. Not too sweet, it is a perfect after sports workout beverage.


Coconut water is also a healing beverage. It's producers claim that coconut water aids in heart health, weight loss, dehydration, detox, stress, sports fatigue, digestive problems, skin problems and overall wellness.
So who should drink coconut water? Everyone! Ballerinas, kids, dads, firefighters, pop singers, teachers, moms, college students, football players, cats, dogs,doctors, celebrities, families, farmers, lawyers and teenagers...basically everyone under the sun will love and benefit from the hydrating effects of coconut water. Studies have even shown that coconut water is healthy for dehydrated babies-but always talk to your pediatrician first! And of course-it is an EXCELLENT sports drink beverage to replace those high sugar, high chemical alternatives like Gatorade.

So what about potassium?
You may have heard that coconut water is an excellent source of potassium. One packaged tetrapak of coconut water-around 12 ounces-contains 660 mg of potassium. That's 19% of your RDA (recommended daily allowance). Just to compare, one medium banana only has about 500mg of potassium. Potassium is a very important electrolyte as it maintains water retention, cell functions, regulates the nervous and heart systems. MODERN DAY NOTE: Today we humans consume an overdose of caffeine in coffee, tea and soda. The increase of strain on the kidneys increases the amount of potassium loss. Therefore it is very important to supplement your diet with beverages HIGH in potassium-the best drink for this is coconut water.

There are several brands of coconut water such as Zico, O.N.E and Vita Coco. Just make sure that there is no sugar added for best health results.

To read more about the health benefits of coconut water, visit the coconut water diet website at [http://www.coconutwaterdiet.com]

Drink Coconut Water for Health

By: Kathleen Patalsky, B.S Health Promotion [http://www.coconutwaterdiet.com]