7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Natural Coconut Oil

When people think about eating coconut oil they often envision clogged arteries and bad health, but the fact is that natural coconut oil is a very healthy food and may even be the healthiest oil you can eat. Here are seven reasons why you might want to add this healthy oil to your diet:

1. Your Body Doesn't Turn It Into Fat


Yes, believe it or not coconut oil won't make you as fat as other types of oils. That's because it contains medium chain triglycerides which the body can easily burn without converting to fat. Most of the other types of oils used for cooking contain longchain triglycerides which the body typically stores as fat. In simple terms, your body can convert this oil to energy faster and has no need to store it on your hips.

2. It Can Increase Your Metabolism

Interestingly enough, coconut oil may even help you lose weight because it can increase or metabolism. This helps your body burn fat more efficiently and some say that it may actually triple the calories you burn for up to six hours after eating it with a meal. In fact, an issue of woman's world magazine called coconut oil the "high metabolism secret".

3. Natural Coconut Oil Has Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

In much of the living under a rock, you know that adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet is quite desirable. But what many people don't know is that traditional cooking oils contain omega six fatty acids which we already get way too much of. The problem then results that we have an unbalanced ratio of omega-3 to omega sixes. One way to rectify this would be to use natural coconut oil in your cooking instead of cooking oils as the coconut oil is filled with the Omega 3's.

4. Coconut Oil Will Energize You

Combine those healthy omega three fatty acids with your increased metabolism and the ease with which your body can convert coconut oil into energy and you've got a healthy energy boost. In fact, many people with chronic fatigue syndrome have found that adding coconut oil to their diet has helped them gain more energy.

5. It's Great For Your Skin And Hair

Not only can you eat it, but coconut oil is great for your skin and your hair. It can relieve rashes and other skin problems and help to give your skin a younger appearance. In addition to being a great moisturizer, it also has antioxidant properties that can actually protect the skin from aging due to free radical damage. Not only that, but it smells great too!

6. Coconut oil has healthy benefits that most other oils do not.

While most other oils are only good for greasing up your food, coconut oil has added health benefits. It has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and it does not oxidized easily. Oxidization of oils can cause free radical damage and many of your standard cooking oils will oxidize very quickly when stored at room temperature (probably within a month). Coconut oil, on the other hand will stay good for up to a year at room temperature. In addition, coconut oil can help your body absorb other vitamins like vitamin E.

7. Coconut Oil Is One Of The Best Oils You Can Use For Cooking.

Did you ever put olive oil in a pan to heat it up and it starts to smoke? Not only does this make your food not so great, it's not good for your health either but coconut oil has a higher smoke point which means you can use it to cook in higher temperatures. You can cook anything in it and it adds a delightful taste your food - not too sweet and "coconutty" like you might think - in fact, I've used it to cook meals with and my family hasn't even noticed!

When it comes to natural Coconut oil, there really can't be healthier food. Unfortunately we've been misinformed about coconut oil for years so many people do not use it. However, it has been used in the tropics for cooking and healthcare for centuries with good results. So why not get a tasty, healthy boost and add some coconut oil to your cooking today?

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Natural Coconut Oil

There's no reason why you should suffer from poor health and lack of energy. If you're ready to gain back your youthful vitality and take control of your health, then visit http://www.naturalhealthbuzz.com where you can learn more about healthy living and how food affects your health as well as the way you look and feel.